
Group: DynoMotion Message: 10749 From: Russ Larson Date: 1/1/2015
Subject: KMOTION CNC Questions



We are trying to finish up the last few items for our migration from Kmotion/Mach3 to KmotionCNC.

We are currently running 4.33j.

How can we pass a variable into the KmotionCNC RPM display? We are using modbus commands, using modpoll, to communicate with my VFD.  We can get the % load as a variable and would like to display that in the Spindle RPM space.  Our thinking was to use a thread C program that would get the value from the VFD and write it to the display, keeping it in a loop and updating it every second.

Is there anyway to remove from the Kmotion display with all the arrows, Keyboard Jog and step size information? Since I have an MPG, this is just clutter on the screen.


Russ & Mark




Group: DynoMotion Message: 10752 From: tmday7 Date: 1/1/2015
Subject: Re: KMOTION CNC Questions
Hello Russ&Mark,
 Concerning moving or hiding the buttons and such on KMotionCNC face. If you do not have Visual Studio 2008 like Tom suggests. Than there is a resource editor thats free and seems to work for just moving and hiding stuff. Only checked it out a little as I have been using a trial period of Visual Studio 2008.

Here is the download page to the resource editor Downloads | MelanderBlog



Group: DynoMotion Message: 10760 From: Tom Kerekes Date: 1/2/2015
Subject: Re: KMOTION CNC Questions
Hi Rus & Mark,

The KMotionCNC RPM display expects the Position of an axis to track the Spindle in order to compute the Spindle RPM and to display the Red Bar Graph.  If you are able to continuously advance the Axis Position from your Modbus data then it should show up on the KMotion Screen if the KMotionCNC | Tool Setup | Trajectory Planner | Spindle Axis is configured for that Axis. 

Another Trick I sometimes use for testing is to configure a Step/Dir Axis to output quadrature to the same pins configured as an Encoder Input.  In this way by simply commanding that dummy axis to Jog the Position will continuously advance at the specified rate.  This would avoid having you continuously advance the position.  But since you are looping through your Modbus anyway I wouldn't think that would be necessary.  You could add something like:

ch7->Position += Rate;

where Rate is a function of your Modbus Information.

Regarding removing the Arrows: that would require using a Resource Editor to modify KMotionCNC.  It would probably require a fair amount of work.  If you come up with a Screen you like if you send the .rc file with the modifications we can include it in future versions as one more "Dialog Face" option.
